Fitness Nutrition and Motivation:Fitness blog by Gowtham

Monday, 12 April 2021

Why whey protein is important to you

Why whey protein is important?

As a thumb rule, protein requirement for an average adult is 1 g for every Kg of body weight for maintenance on daily basis. Therefore, if you have a body weight of 50 Kg, you require 50 g proteins everyday to meet the requirements. However, this is the requirement for an average person. If you are engaged in any form of physical exertion, the requirement increases in line with the level of exertion and can reach upto 2-3 g per Kg of body weight.

Therefore, for any individual, protein is most important part of their diet and taking it in right quantity and quality is even more essential.

The requirement of proteins is different for specific functions. Protein energy is required for normal metabolism. Similarly, when you perform exercise or any form of physical exertion, that much more protein energy is required as the muscles are strained during exertion and it utilises protein energy for the same. If required amount of protein is not taken in the body, the body is forced to utilise that much protein from sources like muscles and tissues by breaking it down. This leads to weakening of muscles and that is the reason, sportsmen, athletes, pregnant mothers or senior adults face frequent issues of muscle pain, joint pain and face difficulty in normal movement.

To meet the requirement during this stage, you need Proliva Sport Recovery. It contains 100% pure proteins derived from Whey Protein Isolates and concentrates. Whey protein is a fast-release protein and therefore it gets absorbed in the body really fast and provides required protein energy to replenish / rejuvenate. Therefore, it is also called “Day Protein”, which if taken either first thing early morning or within 30 minutes of workout / physical exertion, provides protein energy all day round. It contains min 81% pure protein content, which is highest amongst all leading supplements.

Apart from this, during heavy physical exertion of workout, there are breakages which happen in the muscles and as per law of nature, if a tissue breaks at particular tension or strain, it tries to replace that with stronger tissue so that such instance does not arise again. This is how, in an iterative process, stronger muscles are built in the body. For building such lean muscle mass, we require slow & sustained release proteins. Therefore, you need Proliva Sport Build, which contains a perfect blend of Casein, Whey and other proteins. Casein is slow & sustained release protein and helps in lean muscle mass development. It is also called “Night Protein”, which is normally consumed while going to sleep and it slowly works upon to repair the damages to muscle tissues and develop lean muscle mass overnight while you are sleeping. Therefore, it provides power, stamina and endurance to bodybuilders or professional sports person.

If you are above 17 years of age and are undertaking heavy physical exertion as a professional sports person, athlete or bodybuilder and your performance involves development of specific muscles, then Proliva Sport Combo is ideally suited for you. Proliva Sport Combo contains one pack each of (i) Proliva Sport Recovery, which containing fast-release whey proteins, assist in meeting protein energy requirement and (ii) Proliva Sport Build, which containing blend of proteins led by Casein, helps in repairs for damages caused to muscle mass and development of lean muscle mass by slow & sustained release action.

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